A recent Digiday piece talked about marketers ‘living in constant fear of the screenshot’ - the juxtaposition of their brand with undesirable content. “Marketers clearly care about this brand safety problem,” said Danny Rogers, chief technology officer for disinformation watchdog Global Disinformation Index. “But the tools they are sold are so inadequate and their understanding of the open web is so limited that the outcome of it all is 180 degrees from the intent.”
Even brands who are satisfied with their brand safety companies in other respects need extra eyes on the piracy problem. This kind of brand threat is astonishingly dynamic and requires both constant, highly specialised internet vigilance and legal analysis. Pirates are ingenious and devious, and this is an increasingly substantial criminal business .
Unlike the companies that depend solely on contextual word analysis to spot trouble, White Bullet uses AI to crawl the web night and day, maintains dynamic lists of the web’s unsafe publishers and draws on vast legal experience, with vastly more robust results.
Brands shouldn’t depend on inadequate brand safety tools to protect themselves online. Get in touch to understand the real risks of online piracy and the real remedies.
Get started with IPIP
Collect all your data for unified prevention, detection, and response to digital piracy.
White Bullet has helped over 3,000 brands to avoid funding digital piracy.
With over a billion dollars of ad spend funding IP infringement in 2020, it's time to work with us to stop pirates from using advertising to profit from distributing intellectual property.
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